War in Ukraine: the return of tragedy in Europe
Dear federalist friends,
On Thursday 24 February, Vladimir Putin launched the invasion of Ukrainian territory. We strongly condemn the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, a free and sovereign country in the heart of Europe.
“We strongly condemn the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine”
This iniquitous attack violates all principles of UN law, international peaceful cooperation, independence and territorial integrity. It is contrary to the right of a people to self-determination.
This assault by Russian troops on Ukraine is also a blatant attack on the security of Europe, the international order, peace and democracy.
The European Federalist Party calls the European Union – as soon as possible – to:
– Firstly, adopt massive economic and financial sanctions against Russia;
– Secondly, show its solidarity with Ukraine by providing political, financial and material support, including military and humanitarian aid;
– Thirdly, welcome in the most dignified way possible Ukrainian refugees fleeing the fighting and shelling.
“We must also work even harder to build a sovereign and powerful Europe, based on a common Diplomacy and Defense”
Let’s act together today, with one European voice, to affirm our solidarity with our Ukrainian friends, a Nation trapped in this terrible resurgent of East/West conflict.
The time will then come to determine precisely what the causes were that could have led to such a disaster.
We will also have to work even harder to build a sovereign and powerful Europe, based on a common Diplomacy and Defense.
But today the urgent need is for negotiations to bring about an early end to the hostilities and a return to peace.
On behalf of the European Federalist Party
Yves Gernigon